Commonwealth Alfa Intl. is co-operating company of COLORIT spol. s r.o. COLORIT has been active in Czech and Slowak market since 1999 as general importer of BRUNOX AG, Switzerland, producer of specialized lubricants and antirust products. Since 2015 earned company COLORIT exclusivity to import products of BRUNOX AG, Switzerland to the USA.


Resulting in superior performance and major cost savings

BRUNOX AG, Switzerland manufacture lubricants with exceptional performance for bikes, guns, industrial and food-stuff plant equipment maintenance. Our products reduce maintenance cost and power consumption whilst promoting component reliability and factory output. BRUNOX lubricants reduce friction and wear much better than conventional lubricants, in particular, in adverse conditions of extreme loads, high and low temperatures, strong contamination and in high water wash areas. Lasting longer, giving you and your team more time to do the things you want to do instead of doing the things you have to do.Unlike conventional petrochemical lubricants, Brunox products are fortified with high performance additives and Turboline particles. These particles form an ultra thin lubrication film that provides a very smooth lubrication film with long lasting friction reduction.

BRUNOX customers experience considerably lower lubrication labour cost and lubricant consumption rates. They prolong the service life of their critical components, reduce power consumption and improve equipment utilization rates and reliability at the same time. That's how our clients reduce their overall maintenance costs with as much as 20%, 30%, sometimes even 50% or more whilst resolving their most awkward lubing issues at the same time.

Our portfolio includes industrial NSF® listed lubricants for first assembly, repair and maintenance work.